Thursday, July 30, 2020

All Wet

It was raining when I woke up this morning.  I had intended to start working on the garden early.  Checking the weather I saw that it shouldn't last long.  I was sitting on the couch trying to decide what to do while waiting for the rain to stop when Z came downstairs.  For whatever reason I put my head back and bumped it, something fell, made a loud noise, and I screeched.  That something was a mirror that had been propped up against the back of the couch.  It was there because the back had fallen away and it needed repair.  Thankfully falling over did it no more harm.  I now had something to do and fixed the mirror.  By the time that was finished, the rain had stopped.

In the front of the house my petunias that I bought yesterday were planted and a bunch of weeding was done.  In the garden there was more weeding.  I also made a start at getting the soaker hose that I also got yesterday hooked up.  Gideon helped me get it into position.  The soaker seems to work, I need to position it under the hay next, it got too hot to finish that project today.   Gideon played with the new hose nozzle I got.   Then he got himself all wet and me a bit wet too.

In the afternoon I sorted some of the things in my room.  K, Z, and I rearranged the boxes in what will be the office/craft room.  I broke down some empty boxes and put some things away.  It was a mostly productive day.  My happy is watching Gideon play with the hose.  He would change the type of spray and watch how far it went and find the rainbows.

The zucchini and cucumber are starting to come up already.

Little pumpkin!

Gideon the Spray Master.

En garde!

This is the Zucchini and cucumbers after lunch.
They are even bigger tonight.

Stay Safe.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Day Off.

This morning I had a chiropractor appointment and the way the day progressed I never made it out to the garden.  I feel a little guilty.  It isn't that I didn't think about the garden, I just didn't walk out there.  I researched things on YouTube; I watered the house plants; when I was at Walmart and Home Depot I went through the garden areas;  I even bought some petunias on clearance.  I went three weeks without the garden and then every day since coming back I think I have been in there doing something.  Today was a day off from it, or at least away from it.  Tomorrow I hope to plant the petunias.

K and I had a last minute SCA meeting tonight to help out with some time sensitive things.  While we were doing that, C and Gideon made some wonderful bean burgers for dinner.  They even made the burger buns.  I taught my children to cook, but they have done wonderful things with food experimentation and new recipes that I haven't.  My happy for today is good food with most of the family (Z was out).  We all sat down after dinner for some TV time and talks.  A good night.


Closing Out 2020.

  It has been a long year.  Z got a new job (remote); Birka; I went to Texas for February vacation and spent time with C, E and Four (Big Be...