Monday, September 21, 2020


 When I got home from work I found a camera, not mine, on my bed.  K and Z found their Canon EOS Rebel T2i and are letting me borrow it.  It is an older digital camera.  I am loving the ability to focus and optical zoom.  It is a different experience than with my cell phone.  It has been a long time since I had a camera with optical zoom and manual focus and I had a lot of fun practicing with it out back on the property.  I can't decide how well I like the pictures, but that is most likely the user.  This camera use is my happy of the day.  Other things that make that list for today are:

  • The way the last night's frost seemed to pick and choose different plants to shrivel and other seem untouched.  The jewel weed on one side of the path looks devastated and that on the other just a little dry.  The same with some of the wild lettuce; some is dried and dead looking and others are fine.
  • Popcorn for a snack tonight.  I tend to forget about popcorn, it was just what I needed tonight.
  • Apple cider, it is that time of year.
  • There are trees starting to grow from/around many of the stumps that were left when the area was cut down last year.
First couple of pictures are from my phone, the rest the camera.
The tomatoes were hit hard by the frost.

This row of trees will be colorful soon.

From the camera...

Stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. Imespecial growing on the center focused daisy surrounded by soflty blurred daisy’s

    And the Dark purple flowers? Thistles? With webbing around them towards the bottom of your collection I was entrance by that photo.

    Thank you your post and pictures are part of my Joy for today!


Closing Out 2020.

  It has been a long year.  Z got a new job (remote); Birka; I went to Texas for February vacation and spent time with C, E and Four (Big Be...