Thursday, April 30, 2020

School Spirit Week-Sports Teams

Sports teams are not really something I follow.  Sure, if the local team is in the super bowl or the world series I may spend some time following them and join in a party with friends.  For school spirit today I wore my only sports shirt that I inherited from my cousin who loved basketball.  Thankfully it was in one of the unpacked boxes in my room.  I briefly considered wearing my Viking dress and putting a comment on the picture but that didn't happen. Go Vikings!  Probably a good thing since I didn't really have the time to figure out how to comment on a picture today. 

Before dinner Z did some shopping, tomorrow many retail places are striking, so we will be avoiding the stores.  After dinner Z and I went to the storage unit to get some things for the apartment.  C, E and Four will most likely be here tomorrow afternoon or evening.  They are spending tonight with E's parents.  This is my happy for today.  Trying to drive from Texas to New Hampshire in as few stops as possible is hard.  That they are stopping somewhere relatively safe and getting some sleep sets my mind at ease tonight.  I'm glad they are getting to see E's parents too. 

Go Celtics!

Don't touch your face.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Spirit Week-Super Hero Day

It was supposed to rain today, or so I thought, but turned out mostly cloudy and not cold.  Finding a super hero costume for work didn't really happen.  I had a possibility, but it appeared none of the students did or I was too late to the meet.  Tomorrow may be harder, it is favorite sports team.  I did make a thank you sign for essential workers that would have gone with the costume I didn't have.

Planting seeds is my happy for today.  I found some older seeds, from two years ago, and planted them back on the property.  Gideon went with me, we chose a rather random but mostly empty spot.  Last year the land was stripped of many of the trees and what was left behind is not pretty.  I'm hoping to randomly plant things until we decide what we are going to do with the land.  These were older seeds and it is possible that nothing will grow.  What I should do is research native flowers from the area and plant those.  I'm hopeful that where the land wasn't torn up some lady slippers come up and maybe some Jack-in-the-pulpit.  There is definitely wintergreen back there and some plant that grows along the forest floor that I have forgotten the name of. 

We didn't put a lot of work into this, obviously.

Deer tracks. 

A little bit of rhubarb.
I hope to move it next spring,
now that I know where it is. 

And hey!  500 days of Duolingo

Wash your hands

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

School Spirit Week-Twin Day

For twin day another adult and I and five or six students wore sunglasses and a hat and screenshots were taken.  No pictures of that because, students.  Today I learned about having a growth mindset, chaining and managing stress.  Within the growth mindset webinar they talked about praising the process rather than the student.  This is something that keeps coming up in different ways and is something I need to work on.  Saying that someone did a good job is okay, but being specific, like noticing how hard they worked on something is better.  Of course I can't think of specific examples right now...

For an unknown reason I woke up around three this morning.  It has made for a very long day.  K and I went to the storage unit after work and found a few boxes of kitchen things that we are hoping will help to stock the in-law apartment for C, E, and Four.  It was so very much easier to go through the storage unit when I had specific things in mind.  I'm hoping this means I have found the right combination to actually be able to work in there and sort some things out.  And of course the emptier the storage unit gets the easier it will become.

There are a few happy things for today:

  • Going through the storage unit.  There is still so much stuff in there, but every little bit helps.
  • Driving and seeing signs of spring.  
  • Spending time away from the house with K.
  • It was a good work day.  I got to see a few kids and the webinars were mostly short ones.
  • Chatting with friends.
  • We have been sitting as a family for all three meals since moving to the new house.  We are all liking it.
  • Listening to people laugh.  😄
Trees that we can't identify, yet.


Be well!

Monday, April 27, 2020

School Spirit Week-Pajama Day

Had there not been a pandemic, this week would be school vacation.  There was a vote and this week is school instead.  Everyone should be trying to stay home, so why not work and end the school year early?  It was decided to have a Spirit Week while remote learning and today was pajama day.  K had some dragon PJ's that she let me borrow for the occasion.  It was fun hearing a good laugh from people during the Google Meets.  The pajamas were comfy and stayed on for the day.  Dragon jokes can be fun like- I wore my meals on my feet (llama slippers), my dinner wasn't too hot... cause dragons and fire, and I was warm enough all day long.  These things were funnier in real life.

It looks like C and E are going to be coming here from Texas with their friend (person 4 of the Big Bend trip in February).  Things could change, but it looks like they will drive up, spend two weeks quarantined in the in-law apartment and then help us out here for the summer before they return to Texas.  They are all out of work right now and aren't happy with the way things are going in Texas right now.  They want to get out before the pandemic gets worse there since Texas is reopening this week.

It was a mostly fun day with video chatting with C and E as well as being a dragon as my happy things for today.  We also have more shelves up in the living room and a few less boxes as things get more organized.

Stay safe!

Sunday, April 26, 2020


It seems that I have been forgetting to check for comments on here.  Thank you K (not my daughter) and Julie for commenting!  I will try to be more attentive in the future. 

I let some screws in the wall get the better of me today.  I don't have the right tool to remove them and they are wedged in together.  My methods to try and remove them failed to the point that I was almost ready to just break open the wall to get them out.  Instead I took a walk, found some small stones, and tried to write a poem.  The poem was sad though and made me cry when I shared it with the family at lunch.  I mostly stayed away from my room after that so no more painting this weekend. 

We had our local SCA meeting today virtually.  It was much nicer than I thought it would be.  It was fantastic to see so many faces on there.  Later, the Queen and their Highnesses held an ethereal court.  I decided to put on garb and it almost immediately improved my mood.  I kept it on the rest of the evening.  We got some shelves put together and set up the TV.  We have been here two weeks with no TV and it has been great.  Tonight though, sitting and watching The Disney Family Singalong, was rather relaxing.  We set it up in order to start watching some Star Trek but it was too late by the time we had everything going.  Singing along with the family is my happy for today.


And wash your hands.

Closing Out 2020.

  It has been a long year.  Z got a new job (remote); Birka; I went to Texas for February vacation and spent time with C, E and Four (Big Be...