Tuesday, January 14, 2020

"The time of day doesn't last"

The weaving is moving slower than I had hoped.  However, I found an even better place to weave that is more comfortable than the one I found last night.  It involves my bed, blankets and propping the loom up.  It puts me away from the people in the house but that may help things move along faster.  If I am not able to pick up the speed at least a little and put more time in every day it won't be done in time. 

Gideon has a cold.  Since I have no time for a cold I am going to work on getting the exercise and time outdoors that gives me fresh air and energy.  Sleep is also important.  I haven't been sleeping well but will work on that too.  Perhaps staying healthy is another good reason to keep myself sequestered in my room weaving. 

After work I stopped off to measure my counterpart for the upcoming event's fashion show.  The office where she works is cut out of a rocky hillside.  There is still some snow and ice that stuck around after last weekend's thaw.  Had the sky not been overcast I think there would have been a bit more glow to the rocks.  The pictures below and helping a friend are my happy things for today. 

There is a place in town that occasionally decorates. 
 Last year there were icicles and they have also hung flamingos.  
Today I found lights down this walkway. 

Title by The Moody Blues
Tuesday Afternoon

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