Wednesday, February 12, 2020


After work I avoided packing by doing things to my hair.  Well, I started going through things to sort and pack, found a needle that I thought might work well, and then played with my hair.  I tried to do the Arden Braid, the second shown on this video.  It came out okay.  Not too bad for a first attempt.  If I am able to drag myself out of bed in the morning I may try to do it with wet hair for work.  It took about a half hour I think.  It could take me that long to get it out in the morning!  I had my hair as in the first part of that video this morning, until gravity untied it.  Perhaps I'll try the third one someday too.

After that all I did was dinner and exchequer stuff.  I hope that future me pays more attention to the organizing part of my email box going forward.  Holding two positions, Baroness and Regional Exchequer, that all go to the same inbox without sorting them through once I have read them is a bad idea going forward.  Theoretically there are at least a dozen different categories that the Exchequer email can be sorted. 

I have been asked to do one of the readings for my Aunt Winnie's funeral.  I am honored to have been included in this.  My momentary panic subsided when I remembered how much I speak in public as Baroness.  I'm worried I may cry, but as long as I am understandable, it'll be fine.  That said, I've started a cough and cold and better not lose my voice. 

One of my happy things for today is a question that Gideon asked.  It went something like this: So Grammie, I have been meaning to ask you about this exchequer thing... what part of the X needs checking? 
My response was to impart to him how important the diagonal lines are and especially the center where they meet, must be just right. 

The other happy thing for today is my hair.  I have had long hair almost my entire life.  Why?  Because I can do things with it.  Funny thing is, I never learned to do many things with it.  I can braid it and a few other little things, but sewing it to my head in the Arden Braid is pretty awesome.  Many thanks to the wonderful gentle who did my hair at Birka and at April Revel last year.  They opened a new world to me.  Someone else did an awesome job with my hair last Birka, these skilled people are wonderful to have in my life.

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