Friday, May 29, 2020


Last night I couldn't get to sleep.  At some point I decided that I couldn't sleep because I had fallen asleep during the day.  I put the webinar on that I fell asleep watching during the day and fell asleep... around the same spot.  If I could figure out the secret to keeping people interested and engaged during a prerecorded slide show webinar I could start a business right now.  

Today I took a personal day so that I don't lose it when the school year ends next week.  I walked.  I did a little over two miles before breakfast, two miles around four this afternoon, and then two miles followed by a pit stop and then just over a mile with E after dinner.  I'm almost at 25,000 steps for the day.  This brings me hope for getting the hundred miles in before the end of May.  Given that I can walk tomorrow (like physically didn't mess myself up today) I might be able to do this.  On this morning's walk I met an older gentleman from up the street.  He was out getting his newspaper and thought he might recognize me (because he knows just about everyone in town).  We had a nice little talk and I learned where other possible places to walk might be.  I'm going with tonight's walk with E for my happy for today.  Because spending time with the future daughter-in-law is important and it was fun too.  

Other things to be happy about: E and Four made homemade pasta and sauce for dinner tonight, watching K play in the mud/clay, seeing a friend today, and seeing C being happy about being productive today.

This is the big tree I saw on Mother's Day, now with leaves.

Yellow water-lily.

Lilacs down the street.

Yay mud!

Wash your hands!!  

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