Friday, May 8, 2020


Until today all the training I was doing this week for work was about autism.  I have learned things I really didn't want to know and hope that I won't ever need.  I have also learned things that will be useful in the future and somethings that are just plain useful.  When I chose a new topic today it was not autism.  There is a point that we start to reach saturation.  The video I watched today did a great job of demonstrating what it might be like to be learning disabled.  It is dated (1989) but much of it is still useful today.  One of the differences is probably the definition they gave for learning disabled.  If you have interest and an extra hour or so, here is a link.

After work I made the drive to the post office to pick up mail.  I ordered a t-shirt and knew it should be there because I got an email survey.  There are some loose threads that look like the sewing machine may have had a problem.  Before answering the survey I want to actually put it on, just in case something else is weird.  I can take care of the threads myself if everything else is good. 

After dinner Z and Gideon had a conversation about the Constitutional Amendments.  I don't remember how this all started, but I listened and commented occasionally while I did the dishes.  Listening to an eight year old be interested in the US government is my happy for today. 

The t-shirt design.

Don't touch your face.

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