Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Dirt is heavy.  I know, an obvious observation.  It turns out we didn't have enough of the garden netting stuff to line the wattle area that K built.  Instead I lined it with cardboard.  Since we just moved, we have plenty of cardboard.  The next step is to fill it with dirt.  Two wheel barrows full later and the bottom is covered.  I figure four or five more and then I will put in the soil that we purchased.  Hopefully that will be enough since I need help with the full wheel barrows.  The previous owners of the house left piles of dirt from when the property was lumbered, we have dirt.  We also have crawling onions that are waiting to be planted.  So much planting that could still be done.  And there are things that never came up and then the deer problem.

We moved some boxes today and in one were some older utensils.  These will be made into chimes that might help to deter the deer and other animals from the garden.  So many things that need to be done and not enough time and energy at the same time to do it.  When I think back to when we first got this house, I think I wanted to wait a year before we worked the garden.  I'm not sure if I changed my mind, didn't voice my opinion loud enough, or just caved in and embraced it.  Whatever happened, I'm hoping for food now and need to work for that to happen.  Maybe we can save money and get an eight foot fence around the garden next year.  Haha!

My happy things for today are:
  • productivity
  • cherries
  • naps and the fan in my room that made it possible to nap
  • made my step count again just by doing the things that need to be done
  • roses

I'm also undecided about whether I miss walking to get my steps.  I'm not doing as much as I should be around here and still, at least sometimes, getting my step count in.  There currently isn't enough energy to walk too.

Box garden,
hopefully it will work better than it looks.




Stay safe, wear a mask, keep your distance.

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