Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Early Birds

Z and I got up early this morning to work in the garden.  The crawling onions were finally planted.  We also got more lettuce, carrots, spinach and two little rainbow tomatoes planted.  The black flies were biting so we didn't stay out too long.  After breakfast I went back out intending to clear around the fire hydrant and the weeds growing along the sidewalk.  Turns out the sidewalk in front of the property is long.  I got it about half done before being too hot and tired to do the rest.  The important part of clearing out by the fire hydrant is done.  I don't know, maybe the town comes around and clears around them every now and then.  I'd prefer it is cleared now.  

The rest of the day I napped and took it easy.  I hadn't slept well and then got up early to work in the garden.  That and the heat took its toll.  My happy is eating a radish from the garden today. The first vegetable of what will hopefully be a good harvest this year.  Hopefully I will get some more seeds in for things that there is still time to grow.

Another happy is listening to the birds sing as we worked in the garden today.  There is usually some kind of bird activity here.  This morning was the joyful, morning bird song of hungry birds that were able to feast on the bugs that Z and I had disturbed.  



This is an older prescription bottle.  
The bottom is glass and the top, a hard plastic.
It will be washed and repurposed.

Wash your hands.

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