Friday, June 5, 2020


My first day of summer break and it felt like a Saturday.  This is a good start.  We got productive and boxes got moved and unpacked and some things were organized.  I didn't get out for an actual walk but still got a little over 8000 steps, so that is good.  I think I finished the rock painting today; will check them tomorrow or Sunday.  A little bit of weeding and a bunch of watering was done in the garden.  

With all this my happy for today is the strawberry I picked today.  It may be the only one this year, new plants and all.  We cut it into seven pieces and each tried it with a thank you to the earth, etc., for providing.  It was a happy moment.

This strawberry has been consumed.

Stuff is growing!

There is a bird nest amid the leaves.

The roses are starting to bloom!

Wear a mask.

1 comment:

  1. Just beautiful! Thank you for the breathe of spring growth and renewal!


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