Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Tomorrow will be the last Google Meet with any of the students that decide to join it.  It will be when we say goodbye for the summer.  This year the separation came early with social distancing and remote learning.  It will still be a transition for me, but I think I will be better prepared for school's end this year than the previous two.  

The student's had the option today of doing a community service project as part of the remote field day activities.  The list of choices included things like writing letters to seniors or veterans, doing extra chores for mom or dad around the house, or painting rocks.  I decided to paint some rocks.  It is a project that K and I have talked about and she started at one point but I had done nothing with.  So I found and washed some rocks, spray painted some base colors, and then sat on a rocker and painted them.  Tomorrow I plan to seal them so the paint won't run and maybe spray some glow in the dark paint on them too.  Then they will be ready for the front yard.

Painting rocks and Gideon snuggles are my happy things for today.  In posting the picture I realize that I forgot to paint a rock with the word PEACE.  😲  Not sure how I missed that... maybe I'll do another tomorrow.

Wear a mask.

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