This morning a hummingbird did a flyby around me. There were other things that happened today... garden work, watching the Coronation, a nap, and a nice walk; to name a few. Gideon was great and thanked me for teaching his mom to make grilled cheese sandwiches so she could then teach him. I got big hugs for that. Yes, good things. Gideon and that hummingbird are my happy things for today. Do I know for sure what kind of hummingbird? No, but odds are that it was a ruby-throated hummingbird.
This is a bean from a plant that was thought to have died. Then the weeds grew. The plant was found and weeded and then deer gave it quite a trim. Yet it still produced a bean. |
Turkeys. |
Wetland that I saw along my walk. In the spring I may have called this a pond. |
Sunset! ☮ |
Stay safe.
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