Saturday, August 29, 2020


 It was a rainy Saturday.  Instead of working in the yard I worked with K to go through some of the boxes from the storage unit this morning.  This afternoon I painted more in my bedroom.  There are many stones on the walls now.  I'm hoping that I'll get the stones finished sometime this week.  I go back to work on Tuesday.  I still have masks to make so time management is a thing I need to remember how to do.  😉

I did walk through the garden once to check on the tomatoes.  For whatever reason, the black cherry tomatoes seem to be doing the best.  The animals seem not to choose them.  Many seeds were gifted us when we started the garden; the black cherry tomatoes are part of that group.  I have never had black tomatoes and am curious as to how the flavor will differ from other tomatoes.  According to somewhere on the internet, they should be black and just a little soft when ripe.  The tops have been black for a while, today some of the bottoms are almost black, too.  Soon they will be ready.

We were gifted some trees today.  I forgot to take pictures, but this is my happy for today.  I'm looking forward walking around with Z and K to find a place to plant them and seeing them grow. 


Stay safe.

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