Friday, August 21, 2020


 This morning started with good intentions of getting much done outside.  Then a yellow jacket made themself known to me in a most uncomfortable way.  The little bugger had managed to climb into my shirt and stung me, I think, because I was moving in a way that started to squish it.  I am not allergic, but I did stop everthing to rest a bit and tend to the sting.  The Benadryl is what did me in and forced me to take a nap.  

Things did get accomplished, just not as much as I wanted.  Stuff in the apartment got rearranged so that there is a bit more room to move.  It is quite the staging and sorting area for my things.  Tomorrow it may get used for the facilities it contains instead of just a holding area.  Part of the lawn got mowed.  There is a pile of sticks and wood near to one of the fire pits.  Tomorrow more general cleaing and getting the yard ready before guests.  

My happy for today is that I have my nineth day in a row with at least 10,000 steps.  I had to get up and pace to get the last 600 or so, but that is alright.

A storm came through.
The clouds are like a fluffy ceiling.

Wash your hands.

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