Friday, October 23, 2020


For some unknown reason the keyboard on my laptop is working again. I don't have any idea why. The clock is wrong though. I'm not sure if the two problems could possibly be connected or not.  Technology will remain magic for me. Yesterday didn't go as well as I had hoped. Today started out on a shakey note driving to work when I saw blue flashing lights in my rearview mirror, pulled over to let them pass, and they didn't.  It seems that Z had forgotten to register the car last month. So my first happy for today is that the officer only gave me a warning because it isn't my car. It could have been towed.  Other happy things include:
  • It was a professional development day at work (no students) and we got a workable plan for one of the students going forward.  
  • On the drive home I was not pulled over again.
  • Z was able to register the car after work because the town hall is open late on Friday. (phew)
  • Unfortunately I wasn't able to walk with a friend after work today.  I did walk down the street though and got a hearty, "Hi, Mom!" from out of K's car window as they drove by to get the cars registered.  K's registration expires this month so my being pulled over was a gentle reminder.
  • Tonight was Z's turn to make dinner.  He put in a lot of work to make something that everyone but me liked.  I am a very finicky eater.  I do appreciate all the work he did though.

Inktober-Rip or RIP, take your pick.

Keep your distance.

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