Friday, October 9, 2020


 It was a professional development day at work so I got a good start at planning out tasks for next week.  It was a lot of hands on -- sort through things, take notes, talking with the teachers and case manager.  It made it worth it to drive to work.  Most of the previous professional development days have been mostly Google Meets, there were only two or three of those today.  We also had some time to practice using Meets and figuring out some of the new features.  We are now able to use breakout rooms but since there were no students to test some of the parameters, we still have questions.  Other happy things for today are:

  • I let myself get distracted and just did the math; this is my fifth year of writing a blog and coming up with something to be happy about just about every day.  WOW.
  • Very proud of K and her sewing and creative skills.
  • Walking this afternoon with a friend.
  • While walking there was a little girl (aged 3 or 4?) who said hi to us as she walked by in the opposite direction.  We exchanged pleasantries and she let us know her mom was right there with her as she passed by.  The next time around I said a hello to that the "friendly girl and her mom." (Thank you to my friend who helped me come up with the adverb, friendly.)  The girl told us about the donut she had earlier in the day.  The last time we crossed paths I just smiled and waved.  
  • There was another person that we walked by going in opposite directions that I smiled to each time.  She gave us a thumbs up during one of the passes.  
  • All in all it would have been nice if more people wore masks along the trail, but they were friendly.
The pond that we walked around today.

Much of the detail is lost with this picture.

That hat!
K took a straw hat and made it into something special-
and eighteenth century.  
I haven't given up yet-Inktober.

Stay safe.

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