Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Happy Birthday, K.

As I said yesterday, I am feeling the physical aspects of the stress of working in a school.  Today I felt okay when I got up, worse and worse on the way to school, and went home after being there for an hour.  I rested a little after I got home and then spent the day with the family doing things for K's birthday.  She turned thirty today.  As it gets later I am starting to feel bad again.  It is all stress, I don't like being an in-person essential worker.  If I lived by myself, I don't think working like this would bother me so much, instead I'd be very lonely.  Some days I seem to be able to handle the stress better than others.  

During one of my walks today I was distracted by thoughts of work and fell.  It seemed fine, now I am achy from it.  My apologies for bringing the cloud that was over me today here, reader.  There were happy things today too:
  • Enola Holmes.
  • Walking with Gideon and hearing his thoughts on making Star Trek fan fiction.
  • Being with the family.  
  • A caprese sandwich from the Common Man.
  • C & E will hopefully be here in a few days.
  • I think the shower has been successfully caulked.  I'll check again tomorrow before reattaching the doors.
  • Inktober day six is rodent.  Somewhere I have a sweatshirt with two mice embroidered on it, one white and one black.  Their tales are intertwined into a small and simple celtic knot.  I embroidered this for a family member who had a mouse problem in her house.  She hated them, but the stories we told about them always set us to laughing.  The black and white mice were symbols of the love-hate relationship with them.  If I could have found the sweatshirt, that would have been my reference.  Instead I just quickly drew a rodent in pencil, because my pen has disappeared.  

Inktober, in pencil.

Part of feeling better was getting fresh air
for me and the family.

They are such a wonderful couple.

Stay safe.

1 comment:

Closing Out 2020.

  It has been a long year.  Z got a new job (remote); Birka; I went to Texas for February vacation and spent time with C, E and Four (Big Be...