Monday, November 30, 2020

Last Writing Day?

 This morning I took a walk-before the rains came.  It has been almost a week since I have been on the back property here and again I realize how happy going through there makes me.  One of these days I may remember to bring a rake and actually work toward making the route I take a trail.  It was pretty quiet back there today.  This was a contrast to later in my walk when I traveled down a dead end street.  I saw and heard juncos, chickadees, cardinals, and a woodpecker.  It was quite a bird-busy little section of road.  Other happy things for today:

  • Gideon finished his 10,000 word count for NaNoWriMo.  The last two days he was becoming very burnt-out on writing.  He pushed through and was so happy with himself he danced around the house!  K had a book as a surprise gift for him and he will be getting an official NaNoWriMo shirt.

  • My word count for today is 10,659 including the 126 words that I copied, pasted and then added to (see blog titled Cheating?).  It is a far cry from the 50,000 words that is suggested for adults.  I did write every day and I did get a few more words than Gideon, so my goal is met.

  • I finished filling out a thing for health insurance.  Perhaps I am more relieved than happy?  It is one less thing on my plate and I am glad the first part is done.

  • Since it is up to me to make a meal every week, I am starting to remember how to cook.  Weird how something so basic can become not important enough to be forgotten.  That sounds wrong.  It isn't that I forgot how to cook, it is that there are the little things that I didn't do for quite a while and they are coming back to me.  Like how biscuit dough should feel and how much I dislike pulling the meat off turkey bones.  I spent a while relying on K or cooking quick, basic foods.  I don’t really like cooking, but this once a week thing is good.

Very early this morning there was a lunar eclipse. I tried to wake up for it, over slept a little, then stepped outside about 20 minutes after what should have been the peak and a long time before it supposed to be over. It was overcast.  I could see the moon, but no details.

Deer print.


Stay safe.
10659--final count for November NaNoWriMo.

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