After work today I was messaged by a newcomer who wanted to nominate someone for a SCA award. How cool is that!?! It pretty much made my day. If you are reading this, in the East Kingdom, and want to recommend someone for a Kingdom award, go to this awards page. If you want to know what awards people already have, try the Order of Precedence page.
Before dinner I took a walk to the grocery store. I needed soup and yogurt for work. Soup was on sale. I ended up with eight cans of soup and a few other things on my back for the 1.5 mile walk home. This was either good training or stupid. The jury is still out on that.
The award recommendation and making my step count for the day are my happy things today.
Random-ish picture with the state Capitol in the background.
If you get this blog to your email account, I'm sorry. It seems to show up extremely late and I have no idea why. I still plan to write every evening and post it then. That the emails aren't delivered until 20 hours later I don't seem to have any control over. There are many mysteries of this Blogger program to me. Once it is posted it still shows up if going directly to the website.
Posted Jan. 7, 2020 at 7:30 PM
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