Sunday, January 26, 2020

Birka end

The morning was rough.  I took my new acid re-flux medicine with my vitamins this morning, started packing things up, and started to feel sick.  They are supposed to be taken on an empty stomach, but once that feeling started I knew I needed something and fast.  I found candy and an EmergenC.  As I started to feel better I got packed up and K and I went to the Kingdom Curia.  We thought we were right on time but had the time wrong and were an hour late.  What we saw of the meeting went well.  An hour late and we missed only the first item on the agenda.  After Curia I didn't realize it, but I was not feeling well again.  I had a cookie, kept pushing on, and soon was officially hangry. 

Once that set in my mind turned off.  Okay, not off, but the reception was blurry.  I needed food and so we finished getting the car packed, said our goodbyes, and went home.  During the ride home I thought about all the food that we still had that was packed to go home.  I had an emergency snack bar in the bag I had been carrying around all morning.  It suddenly dawned on me that THIS was that emergency.  I started feeling better within minutes of having that bar.  Somewhere  I think I made a list of things for anyone retaining for me to watch for.  That list needs to be found and I need to make sure that feed me is on there as well as water.

Instead of taking a nap I played Minecraft with my friend in Texas.  I stopped playing to weave and do things to get ready for Birka and just wanted the down time.  My happy for today is that this event that has been consuming me is in the past.  Now to move on with other parts of my life!

Day after pictures of my hair and its release.

Some pictures from last night's ball that somehow
 weren't available when I wrote the blog.

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Closing Out 2020.

  It has been a long year.  Z got a new job (remote); Birka; I went to Texas for February vacation and spent time with C, E and Four (Big Be...