The event this last weekend means that K and I have been Baron and Baroness for a full year. I feel like we made some mistakes, but hopefully not big ones and we will continue to learn. At some point today I realized that we gave out awards that usually have a little lamp to go with them and we didn't give out a lamp. K knew this; we apparently are out of lamps. I thought we had some, but we now need to find them or buy more. There are things that I wanted to do during my first year that I didn't do. I wanted to attend every craft night or fighter practice at least once a year. I got to most of them, but not all. I wanted to have a better Facebook presence, nope. I wanted to start regular a 'walk with the Baroness' type day, this did not happen.
All that said, I did invite folks to walk a couple times, just not a regular thing. Other good things happened too. The big thing that we did do, was to get new by-laws and get them passed. That was actually something that I thought would take over a year. We got to many more Kingdom events as well. I know there are people new to the Barony and I know I can't take credit for them, but new people is a good thing.
happy for today is the way the sky looked as though there was fire in the horizon at dawn this morning. I am determined to recover from the sleep loss over the weekend.
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