Saturday, March 14, 2020

Pi Day

The exchequer work I needed to do is to the point of waiting for others.  More boxes are packed and I brought things to the storage unit.  I have too much stuff.  Knowing this, and wanting to get rid of things is still not easy.  The only way to fit more into my storage unit is to stack dangerous or fill up the narrow aisle I finally have.  So there was productivity today and I hope for more tomorrow.  

Thing are getting canceled all over the place because of the Covid-19 virus.  I must say that no matter how much I want to go and do some of the things, I am glad that people seem to be taking this somewhat seriously.  There are funny memes and things, of course, but most of what I am seeing, that is first hand, is respectful.  I managed to forget the whole thing today and dropped off something at my brother's house.  Then was reminded of the pandemic and scooted out of there fast.  My niece is one of the high-risk people that need to not get sick.  As far as I know I am not sick, but I have still been going to work and stores.

Today is Pi day.  In celebration of this we had pie for dessert tonight.  Apple crisp pie a la mode is my happy for today.  Okay, getting through that exchequer stuff is too.  


Keep Calm and Wash Your Hands

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