Friday, March 13, 2020


Today improved instead of fading like the last few days have.  The school is preparing to close even while hoping that it won't have to.  It appears that they have plans for what the para educators will be able to do as well should this happen.  If the custodians at school could just keep up with filling empty soap and paper towel dispensers it would be great. 😉  There just isn't enough staff for that. 

Gideon had a muscle cramp today.  I helped him stretch it a little and then suggested we take a walk.  Surprisingly, he said yes.  He only wanted to go around the tiny block that our house is on though.  We did, and then again, and again.  After that we went down one road a little longer and turned around.  Then we went the opposite direction and back.  It was starting to get dark so I offered to leave him at the house while I walked up a hill for pictures.  He walked with me up the hill too.  So proud of him for getting out there and exercising to help ease the cramping he was feeling.  We even remembered to stretch after our walk.  This walk with Gideon, the sunset and hearing from Gideon about Minecraft and April Fool's Day are my happy things today.

City Sunset.

Wash Your Hands

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