Monday, April 27, 2020

School Spirit Week-Pajama Day

Had there not been a pandemic, this week would be school vacation.  There was a vote and this week is school instead.  Everyone should be trying to stay home, so why not work and end the school year early?  It was decided to have a Spirit Week while remote learning and today was pajama day.  K had some dragon PJ's that she let me borrow for the occasion.  It was fun hearing a good laugh from people during the Google Meets.  The pajamas were comfy and stayed on for the day.  Dragon jokes can be fun like- I wore my meals on my feet (llama slippers), my dinner wasn't too hot... cause dragons and fire, and I was warm enough all day long.  These things were funnier in real life.

It looks like C and E are going to be coming here from Texas with their friend (person 4 of the Big Bend trip in February).  Things could change, but it looks like they will drive up, spend two weeks quarantined in the in-law apartment and then help us out here for the summer before they return to Texas.  They are all out of work right now and aren't happy with the way things are going in Texas right now.  They want to get out before the pandemic gets worse there since Texas is reopening this week.

It was a mostly fun day with video chatting with C and E as well as being a dragon as my happy things for today.  We also have more shelves up in the living room and a few less boxes as things get more organized.

Stay safe!

1 comment:

  1. Hheheh love the Dragon PJ’s with dinner slippers. And all the jokes!


Closing Out 2020.

  It has been a long year.  Z got a new job (remote); Birka; I went to Texas for February vacation and spent time with C, E and Four (Big Be...