Tuesday, April 28, 2020

School Spirit Week-Twin Day

For twin day another adult and I and five or six students wore sunglasses and a hat and screenshots were taken.  No pictures of that because, students.  Today I learned about having a growth mindset, chaining and managing stress.  Within the growth mindset webinar they talked about praising the process rather than the student.  This is something that keeps coming up in different ways and is something I need to work on.  Saying that someone did a good job is okay, but being specific, like noticing how hard they worked on something is better.  Of course I can't think of specific examples right now...

For an unknown reason I woke up around three this morning.  It has made for a very long day.  K and I went to the storage unit after work and found a few boxes of kitchen things that we are hoping will help to stock the in-law apartment for C, E, and Four.  It was so very much easier to go through the storage unit when I had specific things in mind.  I'm hoping this means I have found the right combination to actually be able to work in there and sort some things out.  And of course the emptier the storage unit gets the easier it will become.

There are a few happy things for today:

  • Going through the storage unit.  There is still so much stuff in there, but every little bit helps.
  • Driving and seeing signs of spring.  
  • Spending time away from the house with K.
  • It was a good work day.  I got to see a few kids and the webinars were mostly short ones.
  • Chatting with friends.
  • We have been sitting as a family for all three meals since moving to the new house.  We are all liking it.
  • Listening to people laugh.  😄
Trees that we can't identify, yet.


Be well!

1 comment:

  1. Love that sunset/ rise shot ...the gold then the pink then the blue-violet



Closing Out 2020.

  It has been a long year.  Z got a new job (remote); Birka; I went to Texas for February vacation and spent time with C, E and Four (Big Be...