Saturday, April 18, 2020

Happy Friday!!

There had been an event in Connecticut that I was hoping to go to, before all events through June were canceled.  I only bring this up because my phone alarm just reminded me.  It is time for me to delete a bunch of reminders.  We have an event planned for June that is being revamped to hold what we can virtually.  As far as I know, K & I are planning to have a virtual court too. 

This morning I overslept, or as K says, "got the sleep I needed."  I managed to stay awake for the webinar I watched today, so that was good.  It was about self-care.  It didn't really give me any information that I didn't already know.  It did open my eyes even more to how much I have been letting stress bring me down.  I stopped work at five today, which was reasonable because I overslept and started later than I should have.

After work we moved the many of logs from the tree that was cut down earlier this week to a place that will be their home until we burn them or find other uses for them.  We learned that elm is heavy and doesn't like to be picked up or cut. The moving of the tree is my happy for today.  There were moments of stress, but there was much playfulness and laughter.

Some of the elaborate designs that some organism ate into the wood.

 The beginnings of a pile.
 The other daffodils bloomed and are a pretty, deep yellow.

Wash your hands.

1 comment:

Closing Out 2020.

  It has been a long year.  Z got a new job (remote); Birka; I went to Texas for February vacation and spent time with C, E and Four (Big Be...