Wednesday, April 8, 2020


It has been a busy and productive day.  Work and more work, I'm trying to get a little ahead so I can perhaps not do as many hours on Friday.  I still feel like I am behind even though there have been no due dates posted for any of what we are learning.  I've been trying to do things to help out the students some.  Just getting to be a part of the face time with teachers once in a while is awesome.

I've also made it out for a walk for the last 4 days in a row.  It has been a while since that has happened.  I haven't quite made my step goal each day, but movement is good.  Most of my day is sitting now so every walk is useful.

Other than the walks this week part of my self-care has been watching the first season of Star Trek: Picard.  This was ten action packed, heart-wrenching episodes that I thoroughly enjoyed.  I may try to see what is available to watch for old episodes of any of the Star Trek series once we are moved into the new house.  It looks like they may be available on Netflix.

Happy things for today are laughter, Picard, almost finishing my book for work, and hearing that some family members are still healthy.


Don't touch your face.

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