There doesn't seem to be enough time in a work day for me to get done all the things I want to get done. It turns out that I really enjoy taking a teacher's lesson plan and breaking it into smaller steps that are hopefully useful for struggling students. The exact executive functioning skill that is? The answer is not coming to my mind. I have been reading, listening, and watching videos about executive functioning for a few weeks and I still can't remember which skill it is! Planning I suppose, the skill I have been recently learning about.
Today I made it outside for two walks. It was a beautiful day with temperatures in the low 60's. I am very much looking forward to more warm days and being outside. My
happy for today is going outside tonight to see if the moon was pink. It turns out that it is called a
pink moon because it is April and spring; it has nothing to do with the color of the moon in the sky. It was still a lovely full moon though.
The buds on this tree are red, that is close to pink. Right?
Wash your hands
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