Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Breathe Deep

The water in the carrots we are trying to grow is supposed to be changed every day and I am fairly certain that was forgotten today.  I think they will be forgiving.  The strawberries haven't been planted yet, but are still not eaten by critters. 

This afternoon I went for a short walk talking to my Texas friend.  During the walk we heard a woodpecker.  I was able to spot the bird in a tree and tried to get some pictures.  I'm pretty sure it was a pileated woodpecker.  It was really large and I wanted to call it a king woodpecker, but it seems pileated is the more appropriate name.  It was lovely conversation and a beautiful bird and that is my happy for today.

Carrots and some beans K is trying to sprout.

The dark spot is the woodpecker.
Poor picture quality. 

A blow up of the woodpecker.

There is a bird flying in the distance I tried to get a picture of.

A blow up of the other bird.

Breathe deep


  1. That's definitely a pileated wooodpecker, such striking birds! (pun sort of intended, lol) And your distant bird is a likely a turkey vulture, based on size and how it's soaring with wings up in a "v".

  2. Thank you, -K! I look forward to your identifications of the birds I see. <3


Closing Out 2020.

  It has been a long year.  Z got a new job (remote); Birka; I went to Texas for February vacation and spent time with C, E and Four (Big Be...