Sunday, May 3, 2020


Z and I went shopping for seeds today.  We now have a bunch of seeds to plant once the garden is tilled.  We also bought some strawberry plants.  They haven't been planted yet and are outside.  I have a fear that the plants will get eaten by something wild before we get them in the ground.  Hopefully this is an irrational fear.  Either way, we may plant some in a hanging pot, just to be safe.  I wasn't home most of the day because of errands.  Sounds like our crew from Texas are doing some wonderful things to the back yard area and garden.

Strawberries are a happy today.  After dinner tonight this happened:

Now this may look bad but I was laughing, with limeade in my mouth, and was trying desperately to not spit it out.  K took the picture and had this to say on a message, "Mom's face when I made a joke while she was drinking the limeade."  I want to say that my face only looks that red because of the shirt, but it was probably that red.  So laughing hysterically is also a happy for today, even though my face looks really bad!  😅

Don't touch your face.
Unless you are about to choke on your lime aid.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhhhh 😃 those moments when delight or tickled-ness are so rich, the joy simply must bursts forth and be made manifest ! This is my Happy today!


Closing Out 2020.

  It has been a long year.  Z got a new job (remote); Birka; I went to Texas for February vacation and spent time with C, E and Four (Big Be...