Sunday, June 28, 2020

From the road.

We drove until we needed sleep, then slept.  C, E and I arrived at E's family home sometime in the afternoon.  I really have no idea what time, maybe around one?  Anyhow, they live in a beautiful area about one third of the way between home and our Texas destination.  They are also in the SCA so there was not a shortage of conversation.  History and ways that history work into some current events dominated most of the afternoon.  E's dad has been reading a book called Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond and I have been listening to A Different Mirror by Ronald Takaki.  Both books seem to have a different look at parts of history and why things happened the way they did.  In the evening we watched some comedy.

They also have a lovely garden that I want to remember to take ideas from.  There are ways I want to change up the garden next year.  I don't see myself making a bunch of raised beds as planters before next year, but you never know.  The generosity of E's parents to let us stay here for the night and feed us is my happy for the day.

Keep your distance.

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