Saturday, June 27, 2020


Road Trip!!

I'm sure there are worse times to travel... none come to mind right now.  I will be spending the next few weeks supporting C & E as they handle a crisis with roommates and the apartment they rent.   They left Texas to escape the pandemic and now have to go back when that area is spiking.  We have masks and hand sanitizer and some gloves.  We will do our best to be quick about this I hope.  I have time.  Expanding my social circle is something that will have to happen, but we will continue to be careful.

Today was spent unpacking the moving van of all my stuff that has been in storage and putting it into the apartment attached to the house.  We got it all in, except for the furniture that will end up in the house after K refinishes them.  I expect to be in that apartment often upon our return.

Our Baronial curia was tonight on a Google meet.  I'm kind of liking the meetings this way.  People stay muted unless they have something to say and there is less crosstalk.   Still some banter, it wasn't completely dull.  There isn't much going on though.

So unpacking and packing for Texas was most of my day.  My happy is that I got to see the butterfly weed in bloom today.  It didn't have any butterflies, but there was a bee.  

Stay safe.

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