Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Country Roads

We are now into West Virginia and decided on another hotel room courtesy of E's father.  This is a lovely luxury and I don't know how I will be able to thank them enough.  The day has mostly been driving with the occasional stops at rest areas or for food and gas.  I didn't walk as much when we stopped today as I did yesterday.  The little walking I did resulted in a mild sunburn.  

On another note I somehow remembered that today is the birthday of my best friend from high school.  Modern technology being what it is I sent her a text message.  She seemed very happy to have heard from me and we hope to make plans to see each other, when it is safe.  The ability to keep in touch with people, especially during this time, is my happy for today.  

The picture is a bit blurred because of being in a moving car.
There are many rock layers in Tennessee.

A bridge in West Virginia.

A different bridge in West Virginia.

Fog rising, there were passing showers today.

Keep your distance.

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