Tuesday, July 14, 2020


At some unreasonable time this morning TF's alarm clock went off.  It seems she learned about a comet, Neowise, that could be seen during the predawn hours.  And thus started our quest for the comet.  We tried to find it by walking a little in the neighborhood, not enough horizon.  We decided to drive a little to locate it, too much light pollution.  We went back home, did some research (I even downloaded an app), and then fell back to sleep.  One of the things that the research seemed to imply was that the comet would be visible in the sky tonight, the 13th.  Of course, the article I just found says the 14th, tomorrow night...

Anyhow, right after sunset we got in the car and drove away from the city.  Austin is not small.  I think we drove about 20 miles before we could see stars.  Eventually, we saw lots of stars.  There was still enough light pollution that there weren't as many stars as I see in New Hampshire.  So, stars, but no comet.  The app I got was very little help.  This could be user difficulty.  Perhaps we will do some more research and try again.  Even without finding the comet, this adventure is my happy for today.

Below are three pictures of the night sky.  Screen lighting and resolutions vary, but I think they look better in a dim room.

I believe these are Saturn and Jupiter, Jupiter being the brighter.

Big Dipper


Stay Safe.

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