Monday, July 13, 2020

Not Snakes

Today I got not one, but two walks in.  This morning I walked almost 3 miles by myself and then did another walk, about a mile, with TF in the evening.  I had reached my goal for the day but wanted to push myself a little bit more.  Lack of sun helps the heat seem not as oppressive.  

On this morning's walk I let myself be reminded that there are snakes in Texas that I am not as familiar with that are poisonous.  I didn't see any.  There was a slither to the side of the trail that could have been a snake, or a lizard, or some other small creature.  That is what got my mind on my inability to remember what snakes are poisonous in Texas.  I know rattle snakes and water moccasins, but I knew there was at least one other.  The other has a poem and I can never remember the poem.  It is a coral snake and here is a link and another to some info about them as well as the poem.  An interesting tidbit is that the poem only works in specific regions of the United States.  

C, E and I also went to visit C's father, my ex-husband, today.  It was a nice socially distancing visit.  We were going to drop something off and pick up a table saw and leave.  C had been storing a bunch of tools there though and got those packed to go.  When we get back to NH there will be a table saw for K to use for whatever she wants to make.  

My happy for today is the nature along that first walk this morning.  It was a rather picturesque area.  One of the things I noticed was the smell of the plant life along the trail.  I'm not sure what type of tree was there, but it had a faint pleasant smell.  There are a few pictures (no smell) below.

Keep your distance.

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