Friday, July 24, 2020

Deed Done

On return to NH the original plan was to quarantine in the apartment for at least a week, probably two.  NH has opened up their testing to make it easier for anyone to have the Covid-19 test.  Today I had that test.  Ideally it will come back negative in a few days and we will integrate back into the rest of the house before the two weeks are up.  I miss my bedroom.  

This morning I worked some in the yard.  I wasn't out there as long as I might have liked, but I'm still pretty tired from the trip.  There have been showers off and on and things are very wet.  K and I made an attempt at clearing out under the apple tree that she found yesterday.  It turns out that there is poison ivy under the tree so we will have to find a different method of clearing it out.  While we were discussing options K heard a mew sound.  There was a cat in the tree!  He came down to say hello.  He had what appeared to be a flea collar on and we assume he belongs to a neighbor.  Very friendly and clean as well as being gorgeous.  I don't know what the breed was.  Today's happy is kitty loving.

This flower seems to be common yarrow.

There is a cat in this picture.

Stay Safe.

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