Wednesday, July 22, 2020

So Tired

Home.  Last night (this morning?), after I wrote my blog the plan was for all of us to sleep at the rest area.  I couldn't sleep.  After a little while I got up and walked a bit.  Then tried to sleep again.  Eventually, after about three hours, I had C and E buckle back up and I drove for a bit until finding something for breakfast.  After that, C drove the rest of the way home and I mostly slept.  We got home a little after eleven this morning.  

There are more flowers in the flower area.  Some that were blooming when I left are now passed.  Birds ate most of the blueberries.  I bought netting for things but it came while I was gone.  K doesn't have the time I was putting into the garden.  Honestly, I wasn't keeping up with it as much as it needed.  The recent rain has brought on some rapid weed growth.  Tomorrow, if it isn't raining, I will work in the garden.  Today was mostly rest and relaxing from the trip as well as general in house organizing.  We are quarantined in the small apartment that has the contents of my storage unit in the living room area.  This is where I will be sleeping until we stop the quarantine.  The plan is for me to get tested for Covid 19 in the next day or two.  Depending on the results is how we will determine the quarantine length.

Coming home is my happy for today.  For some reason Blogger isn't letting me change the font colors.

Connecticut Rest Area:

Sky this morning at the rest area.

Home and some yard pictures.

The tee-pee.

Dinner outside.

Some music after dinner.

Keep your distance.

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