Sunday, July 26, 2020


Today I had a pretty down day.  I worked in the garden for a bit, had a meeting, and then tried to relax from the meeting.  I had been hoping for a nap.  My Fitbit lets me know when it is ten minutes before the hour so I can get at least 250 steps in.  Today, I managed to start this when I first got up and this is the first day that I actually completed this goal.  So for eleven hours today I made sure to get at least 250 steps during each hour.  I've had this particular Fitbit for about a month with these hourly reminders.  Today I followed through with the reminders and they kept me from taking a nap.  

In the evening E cheered me up.  We tried going through some boxes, but also had dinner with conversation, and then watched a movie.  E didn't watch much Disney growing up.  Tonight we watched Disney's Robin Hood.  It was just goofy enough to finish helping my mood.  E hadn't seen it before.

There were many small things placed throughout the early evening that also helped to lift my mood, E being the major one.  I took a short walk around the property and along the walk I'm fairly certain I saw a fox bounding away.  There is also a plant that, earlier this year, I thought was blueberry.  Although the berries are gone, an app I've been using to ID plants confirms it as lowbush blueberries.  There were some bush beans that I picked.  I also heard a hawk and later, as the sun was setting, saw a bat flying over the driveway.  

The little things, especially E letting me vent a bit about my day, are my happy things for today.

There is a zucchini hiding in there.

The Plantnet app claims this is common St. Johnswort.

Bush beans, Roma II.

Bush beans, Roma II plants.

Sunset with crescent moon.

I find myself editing this with a short little story.  If it weren't for the pandemic I would be at Pennsic this week and next. This is where we camp together with about 10,000 other SCA folks and create a small city in western Pennsylvania.  As people arrive more and more encampments will stay up playing music, singing songs, or telling stories around campfires.  It is common to hear people learning to play instruments, but especially the dumbek.  Tonight C and E went upstairs after talking about this and ... started playing a dumbek.  😂  Well, at least I think it was a dumbek; it was certainly some sort of percussion that they were trying to sound like a dumbek.  They have so many instruments!  

Stay safe.

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