Tuesday, August 11, 2020


 Since we moved into this new-to-us house and I started doing things in the yard, I have wanted some largish rocks or bricks to use as stepping stones in the gardens and other places around the yard.  I've started looking for free bricks on Craig's List and today we found some as a curb alert.  There was a picture and address.  We didn't need to have any contact.  K and I set off on an adventure to find these materials.  We talked about walking, working, and stuff.  We sang loudly and joyfully in the car.  The bricks were still there and we put enough of the miscellaneous bricks into the van that we felt was safe.  I'm sure we could have filled it more, but we were a little worried about the weight.  We did a few small errands and then headed home.  

There is a walking bridge over a river that we noticed, not for the first time, on the way.  Seeing it again heading home we pulled over to find the bridge's access.  There are multiple bridges in this area- one for cars, one train tracks and one that could have been train tracks or a one lane bridge.  We considered walking the train bridge, I opted not to.  There are still trains that travel over that bridge and I didn't want to run into one.  It was a fun little side trip that ended with a quick rain shower that we watched come closer and closer to us.  This adventure time out with K is my first happy for the day.

The middle section of the day was filled with me trying to get more bricks (but someone else beat me back there) and atending Zoom meetings about the upcoming school year.  We ended the day with game playing.  Gideon has been wanting a weekly/monthly game night and tonight was that night.  It turns out that I can listen to a school board meeting and play Sushi Go at the same time.  Game night is my second happy for today.  There were other things that I should have been doing tonight so Tuesdays will not be the night going forward.

Bridge pics:

Stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. Love the multitude of bridges. Very cool. Glad game night happened. Wish I could have that here too!


Closing Out 2020.

  It has been a long year.  Z got a new job (remote); Birka; I went to Texas for February vacation and spent time with C, E and Four (Big Be...