Monday, August 31, 2020

What is a Weed?

 This morning I was able to identify the mystery plant.  It seems my lack of attention to detail (otherwise known as-just take a quick picture and look it up later) didn't notice that it was actually two plants I was looking at instead of one.  One plant is wild lettuce and the other is a groundnut.  The groundnut is a vine that had wrapped itself around the wild lettuce.  If I can manage the time and energy I will need to start weeding out the weeds to cultivate the ones I want over those I don't.  Thus sort of answers the title question: A weed is any plant growing where you don't want it.  A rose bush could be a weed if it is in the pumpkin patch.  

The majority of things that I wanted to do today to get ready for work tomorrow got done.  I only got one mask made, but it is one more than I had.  Unfortunately I misplaced two of my masks, one that I wore yesterday and so might be in the car.  The other I haven't seen in quite a while.  I imagine that I will find it in a pocket of something all clean from being there when laundered.  

Today my happy is masks.  I have a plan to make a few more this week unless the school is providing them, then I will take a little lore time getting them made.  We had a visitor today who brought over some masks that a friend made for us to use for the event this weekend.  They came out beautiful!  I won't be showing pictures until the event, though.  

This plant is wild lettuce.

This plant is a type of groundnut that had wrapped itself around some wild lettuce.


More sunset.

The mask I made.
Mistakes were also made.

Stay safe.

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