Saturday, August 8, 2020

Working in the rain

 It was a day mostly filled with chores.  The garden got its first fertilyzer treament today.  My determination meant I was spraying the plants during the short rain shower this morning.  I am wondering to myself why I didn't work in the garden at other times when it rained.  This is my first real garden and I'm still figuring things out.  K put up some books shelves and got a bunch of boxes unpacked.  I painted more of my wall.  At some point this summer, painting it became less important and almost forgotten.  Now I want it painted so I can place my bookshelf and have more places to put things.

Anyhow, getting the garden fertilyzed in the rain is today's happy.  I have more hope for the zucchini and cucumber that recently got planted now.  Someday we may have our own compost, but it isn't ready yet.  Until then, I will have to buy fertilyzer.  

I'm pretty sure these are black cherry tomatoes.

Where all the wood and wood chips are there used to be woods.
Although I often wish the trees were back, there is that view.
Low plants would be nice too.

There are turkeys back there... really.

Stay safe.

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