Monday, November 9, 2020

Short List

 At lunch time today I learned that the news of my leaving was starting to be known.  After work I stayed and spoke with a few people.  Interestingly, they all seem to understand, so far.  I'm feeling like I should have asked to go remote before quitting my job as a paraeducator.  But I didn't and now that bridge has been crossed.  I still don't know what I will do next and I'm okay with this.  I feel like I could be create.  Other happy things are:

  • In science class the students are building air rockets.  I'm considering trying this with Gideon when I am home.
  • There was a cat on the back property today.  It isn't one that I have seen before.  I left it alone and just took a picture.
  • Ice cream.

A cat.

Sun, mid set.

Wear a mask.

3413 total (very little writing happened.)

1 comment:

Closing Out 2020.

  It has been a long year.  Z got a new job (remote); Birka; I went to Texas for February vacation and spent time with C, E and Four (Big Be...