Normally on cold walks my body and hands warm up after a little bit. Today my fingers decided to remain cold, so I didn't walk outside as long as I wanted. Perhaps that is how things will go this winter, but I hope not. The snow that remains underfoot is hard and crunchy now. There has been enough melting and refreezing that it is pretty tough. Yesterday there were places where the ground was more mud than frozen, today when I walked, it was frozen. I'm not sure if there is a name for the type of ice that the earth was. It was separated into upward spikes frozen in place. I looked really cool. Other things that are my happy things for today:
- K and I went to the grocery store to stock up. Storm's a'comin'. While there, a sweet but vertically challenged older than me person asked one of us to reach something from the top shelf. I happily got the item requested. One of the things I miss about being in retail is helping sweet, kind customers.
- I remembered to work on the SCA exchequer things that I volunteer to do.
- We decorated the tree. Everyone helped. There was singing.
- There are a bunch of ornaments that I realized I can probably get rid of.
- One of my trekking poles has been slipping and becoming short when I want it to be long. The other day I was frustrated about this and looking at the pole I noticed where it said, "Tighten screw to avoid slippage." Doh! I took a screwdriver this morning, tightened the screw, and it no longer slips! How cool is that?!
Sun is up! |
Look at how the earth froze! Ice crystals. And is that a wild strawberry plant?? |
Decorating |
Ta-daaaaah! |
E decked the stairway too! |
Wear a mask.
My favorite NH nature blog often references that ice crystal phenomenon you mention - he calls them "ice needles", and gives a detailed description of how/when they form here: