Wednesday, December 2, 2020


 This morning it was sunny and cold.  I went for a walk around the property that turned into explore time.  Over the winter I want to work out where I want to put more paths out there.  I generally just do a loop that is about half a mile distance.  I'd like to make a route back and forth on the property to get at least a mile.  This may mean finding ways to go over water/wet areas.  We also have plans for an archery range.  Other happy things today are:

  • K and I started decorating for Christmas today.  We have quite a lot of stuff.  Part of the goal this year is to put out -everything- and only pack back up the things we really want to keep.  If nothing else, there will be less candles to pack up after Christmas.
  • There were some flurries this afternoon.
  • Because I was hoping to experience the flurries, I decided to go outside for another walk.  As it would soon be dark I decided that it would be fun to use lights on my vest again.  Last time K pretty much wound the lights around me.  This time I took care and pinned them to my vest.  They will stay there until I need to wash the vest.  The flurries had ended by the time I finished pinning on the lights; still had a lovely walk.  
  • Reading.
  • Trees, in general, but also those that help me along as I walk on rugged terrain.


But seriously, the backs of those candles are great-
especially the O.

If you ever wondered how much these hooks cost 30
some odd years ago... 29 cents.

A proof of life photo of me
with some lights shining on my vest.

Keep six feet away.

1 comment:

  1. Christmas tree hangers - That packaging looks to be from late 70’s early 80’s. Now that is a step or two back in time hahahahaha. Reminds me of going to half price books and paying $4.25 for a book, pealing off the half price sticker and finding this copy was originally sold for 49 cents.

    Love the candles and your proof of life lighted vest shoot. Happy decorating!


Closing Out 2020.

  It has been a long year.  Z got a new job (remote); Birka; I went to Texas for February vacation and spent time with C, E and Four (Big Be...