Friday, April 3, 2020

Llama & Sheep

The house is quiet.  Everyone else has gone.  The rain is pattering on the roof outside my window.  Again I wonder at the sounds that will be in the next house.  Unless things change, my room will be on a main road that goes through the area.  Suddenly I am wondering at the traffic that will go by.  There is a distribution center for a grocery store not far away, will that be loud in the morning?  Why should that matter when I am often up early in the morning?  There is a seasonal ice cream shop across the street.  Will it have peppermint stick ice cream?  Will I be able to resist going over there if they do?  

Today I got to spend time with teachers in Google Meets with students.  There are still a lot of things for me to learn about being a para and helping out while remote learning.  When I say learn, I mean that it needs to be more than read about or attend a webinar.  I need to actually try the things that I am reading and listening about and put these things into practice.  Any how, getting to talk with people over the internet is my happy for today.

And then there is this.  Some of the teachers put together a little video for the students.  In it was a picture of a llama that the students are asked to caption.  I came up with the little paragraph in the picture.  I have no idea if it will make it into the next little video, but there was a llama, so I had to write something.  😉

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