Saturday, April 4, 2020

Moving Out Day

Today was the last day for me in the house.  K & Z have some more things to get out of the basement I believe, but everything else should be gone.  I left before the movers got there.  Before leaving I took some pictures of the art that is being left behind.  Some of these are things I think I would have taken, like the door to the make room and the door jamb.  At the same time, I don't know where these things would go in the next house.  Perhaps better to have said goodbye.

 My social distancing circle has grown to include two more people.  I am so grateful that they have let me stay with them during this in between houses time.  We plan to watch all ten episodes of Picard while I am here.  We watched the first two tonight and I am hooked.  My happy for today is getting to spend time with friends.  

My former bedroom wall.

The door to the Make Room. 

Along the stairway... I think it was never completed? 

So, my room had been C's before I moved in.   C and a friend had purchased a bunch of giant Pixy Stix and left them at the house when they moved.  Being a sugar junkie, I couldn't let them go to waste.  However, I also didn't want to pack them.  This is me consuming the last one, right before leaving today.

Goodbye house. 

Wash your hands...

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