Wednesday, April 15, 2020


A tree was removed today.  It was dead and threatened to fall on either our house of the neighbor's.  We now have a pile of elm wood, because Z & K wanted to keep it to burn outside or somethings.  I hope the weather warms enough for that soon. 

My new room is not quite a normal shape.  One corner has the closet jutting into the room and another wall has a chimney behind it.  The result of this is that I am fairly sure that my bed will not fit where I want it and still be able to open the under the bed drawers.  K and I took measurements and tomorrow I hope to map out my room.  I have the tools I need to make my bed; all I need is the time, energy, and parts to put it together. 

My happy for today is that my taxes are finally done.  I really should take care of that much earlier in the season. 

The tall tree is the one that came down.

All gone.

One of the fruit trees in the garden.

Don't touch your face.

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