Tuesday, June 9, 2020


More garden work today.  Most of the seeds that I started inside earlier in the season have been planted if they grew.  I still have a few more to plant that I am looking for just the right spot.  We did a lot of impulse buying when it came to seeds this year.  That and a friend gave us seeds.  There is still a large part of the garden that things could be planted in.  It is amazing to me how often the garden goes between seeming huge and seeing too small in my mind's eye.  

The plants I put in the topsy turvy look better today than I expected.  It has only been a day though.  I'll try to take some pictures of that tomorrow.  

My happy for today is that I planted some small little maple trees out back where the trees were cut last year.  So amid the slash there are now three new trees.  I've noticed some oaks trying to come up in some places too.    

Don't touch your face.

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