Monday, July 27, 2020


The temperatures are high and so is the humidity.  Even getting up early I wasn't able to work in the garden as long as I wanted.  My lack of sleep last night hasn't helped with my heat tolerance today.  I listened to some YouTube videos about things that can be planted in July and August.  So I am trying out a seed starter I found and planted some more zucchini and some cucumbers.  The cucumbers I planted earlier in the year never seemed to come up.  The zucchini isn't doing great.  While weeding I have noticed critter holes so that may be more of a problem than the weeds.  Gardening has been a huge learning experience and I don't expect a bumper crop my first year doing it.  I just expect to keep learning.  It is interesting some of the things I 'learn' that rings some bell from my youth 40 plus years ago.  It has been longer than that since I have lived in this much of a country setting in this part of the country.  

This morning those of us who were in Texas recently integrated with those who stayed in New Hampshire.  My happy for today are the hugs that we are able to share again.  We also get to gather round the table at dinner time.  Simple things that are missed when away for whatever reason.

Many thanks to Reader K.  Your occasional comments and words of wisdom have meant so much to me.  

This mornings version of yesterday's coloring of the flowers.
It seems that the red did very little.
They should be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.
The yellow and blue were sucked up the best!

If all goes well, this will grow to be a pumpkin for making pies.

Half zucchini, half cucumber.

This is a mirror hanging in the living room.
While having dinner I noticed how it was reflecting the art K has hanging to dry.
I took the picture because I thought it looked artsy.

Stay safe.

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