This morning I picked a couple of radishes, some beans and the little pumpkin. There are two more small pumpkins that are growing. The bean plant wasn't looking good so I dug a hole and they are in the ground instead of the large pot. When I planted them in the pot I didn't expect as many of them to live as did. It was root bound and hopefully the stress of moving won't be too much for them. There were some beans that I planted in the spring that I didn't think had come up. I started pulling things from there and there are at least four small, nibbled on bean plants. They are was smaller than the ones I replanted today even though I think they were planted around the same time. Hopefully next year I will keep better notes.
As per the plan, K and I went through boxes from my storage area for a little over an hour today. I didn't count, but that was at least five boxes. Much of it will be going away. Some things were trashed, some kept, but most into a pile that I'll try to sell before donating.
My happy today is a big find; a banner that K made for me when I received my Pelican. In the SCA there are awards given for things such as arts, combat, archery, or service-to name a few. There are different levels. A person may get an award from their local barony or the kingdom and each holds a level of precedence. Some awards are recognised locally and others further up the line. About five years ago I became a member of the Order of the Pelican, the highest service level award in the SCA. Two years later I moved and the banner seemed lost. Today it was found!
Topsy Turvi seems to be doing well.
Close up. |
Gideon learned to mow the lawn! |
Proud parents. |
Bird |
Banner. This is a tempory location as it is covering up other art.
☮ |
Stay safe.
PS I keep falling asleep with my finger on the keyboard. So, sorry if I haven't edited enough.
Love the banner , the plants and happy parents and child!